
! Payment accepted in Paypal only !
you may also pay on kofi

Waitlist Closed

(kofi commissions closed)

Contact me through social media or email

Terms of Service

  • I will only be accepting waitlist commissions. That means you do not mind waiting for a long time for me to contact you back. You are free to cancel a waitlist spot at anytime. Please fill out the "Waitlist Commission Form" to get a spot. If you have questions, please contact me through any of my active social medias. (Twitter+Instagram)

[Can Draw]

  • Original Characters

  • Fanart

  • Kemenomimi

  • Couples

[Cannot Draw]

  • NSFW / fetishes

  • Gore (slight blood ok)

  • Full on furries

  • Complex Mecha

  • I may refuse a commission if I think it's out of my skill level/I don't think it fits my art style.

  • I will take payment after getting a sketch approved. If it makes you more comfortable, you may pay half of the price first and then pay the rest after I'm done. I will not send the unwatermarked version until you have fully paid.

  • Please be patient. You can ask for an update on your commission, but please don't spam. It might take a while for me to respond.

  • Commission is for personal use only (profile pic, background, reposting, etc). Do not make profit off of my work (ex. merchandise) without my permission or claim credit.

  • Commissioned Artwork can NOT be used for NFTs or anything related to cryptocurrency. Including, but not limited to, selling or trading.

  • Commissioned Artwork can NOT be used for AI. Do not put my art into AI at all.

  • I may use your commission as an example or post in the future so please state beforehand if you do not want me to do so.

  • Additional note: I like drawing guys more, but you can send any kind of characters and I will try my best @_@

Thank you for reading :)

Examples and Prices

(best viewed on desktop)

Full Render

- All polished, background colors and items, effects
- State a preferred background color or I will choose for you. Also let me know if you would like a transparent version

TypeExtra chara.
Bust Up: $60+$55
Half body: $80+$75
Full body: $100+$95

Complex BG: +$25 or more


Simple Render

- Somewhat polished, simple shading

TypeExtra chara.
Bust Up: $45+$40
Half body: $65+$60
Full body: $85+$80

(working on more)

! price vary depending on details !
(will charge extra for major changes)

*If you would like something more specific, and not limited to this format, you can dm me for questions.